About Us

We specialize in both local and international recruitment, and our services are tailored to meet the needs of our clients. We have expanded our services to include student recruitment for study destinations like UK, USA, CANADA, POLAND, RUSSIA, AUSTRALIA, and GERMANY. We believe that education is a powerful tool for personal and professional growth, and we are dedicated to helping students achieve their academic goals.

In addition to our recruitment and education placement services, we also offer travel and tour services, Security Guards, Drivers, Trained Nurses. Over the years, we have worked with renowned companies like DYNCORP INTERNATIONAL (U.S.A), JAGMOHAN ENTERPRISES LIMITED (Trinidad & Tobago), SONLINK MOTORS (Ghana), XENON IMPEX COMPANY LIMITED (Ghana), SUNDA (Ghana), BRIDGEWAVES INTEGRATED FACILITIES (Ghana), PRABON GREENFIELDS LTD.(Ghana), et al and have helped them recruit top-notch employees to grow their businesses. We take pride in our ability to understand our clients' unique needs and provide them with the best recruitment solutions.


Ghana is a considered one of the most stable countries in West Africa since its transitions to multi – party democracy in 1992. Formerly known as the Gold Coast, Ghana gained independence from Britain in 1957, becoming the first sub- Saharan nation to break free from
colonial rule. Gold, Cocoa and more recently oil form the cornerstone of Ghana’s economy and have helped fuel an economic boom.

As an English Speaking country, we can work in any country with able bodied people to execute both both administrative and casual works. Out of all the task you need to complete as part of your expansion, hiring is one of the most important. Your new employees in Ghana will help you build a global company while taking some of the stress off your shoulders.

However, you need to hire Ghana employees while handling everything from compensation to payroll and meeting Ghana’s employment compliance laws. AR Group company will give your company a jump start through Ghana hiring outsourcing. As a result, you will not have to worry about recruiting, meeting the country’s compliance laws or spending time creating your own subsidiary.
As one of the leading recruitment Agency and HR Consult in Ghana, we understand the importance of providing top-notch personnel to meet the needs of organizations. In that regard, we also provide our clients with a team of highly skilled ad trained security personnel,
nurses and drivers who are capable of meeting their specific organizational and client needs.

Our Services

For the pursuit of greater success, our company is dedicated to the following beliefs and core values to offer the best services to our clients:
We are devoted to providing services that best fits our client’s demands and specifications.
Trust is a hallmark in our dealings with clients. We hold in high esteem the confidentiality – agreements, and always open in every step of the operations we undertake on their behalf.

About the CEO

Mr. Alex Asare is a successful entrepreneur and businessman with, 8years experience in both domestic and International Recruitment. Prior to the birth of AR GROUP, he worked with Daicop International and PWC in Kuwait, and assisted in recruiting into the U.S Army from Ghana. Through his leadership, AR has and continue to chalk many feats in the various enterprises of the company. He is hardworking, a great listener, and truly dedicated to his field and or line of business. He derives fulfilment from every opportunity to satisfy clients and to succeed in every prospective business.

Our Team

We have a team of competent professionals, from different backgrounds,
with years of experience in Human Resource, Customer Care, Administrative functions, and Tourism. These form our panel and ensure our clients’ expectations are met at all levels and cost.

Operations and Administrative Manager
Head of IT
Protocol Officer
Officer in charge, Students Recruitment and Tours

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